Everything you need to know about getting paid on Hallo.
What kind of payment system does Hallo use?
To pay our teachers at Hallo, we use a state-of-the-art semi-automatic payment system called Tipalti. This system collects and securely stores important tax documentation that ensures all of our teachers are eligible to work and aids those teachers who need to pay taxes.
We use this system because it is one of the simplest and safest ways to cash out our teachers—especially because we are working with contracted teachers from around the world.
We require that all international Hallo teachers working outside of the U.S. use their personal PayPal accounts to cash out. Teachers in the U.S. can use their personal PayPal accounts or a direct deposit to their bank accounts to cash out.
How secure is Hallo’s payment system?
Hallo keeps teachers’ information confidential and secure by storing it in the secure payment platform Tipalti. Only those with the highest level of security access can view teachers’ accounts and accept payment requests.
Furthermore, every time a teacher cashes out, the system automatically checks their name and information against an international database for those who have been flagged for stealing, money laundering, and other major crimes to help keep our community safe and prevent fraudulent transactions from teachers.
How can I set up or edit my Hallo payment account?
First, to set up your secure payment account you will need to login to the Hallo web app with your Hallo account once you have been granted teacher status.
Then you’ll navigate to settings and click on “Cash Out.” In order to cash out, you will need to have at least $100 in your Hallo wallet.
The first time you cash out or when your payment or personal information changes, you will need to fill out or edit your information by clicking on the “Edit Info” button (see image below).
You will need to complete four main sections to successfully create your secure payment account on Hallo. These sections include filling out:
- Your Legal Name and Address
- The method with which you would like to be paid
- The appropriate tax form
- A final submission that will finalize your account
Once you have completed these steps, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Cash Out” button to submit a payment request.

What if I’m having trouble creating a payment account?
If teachers are struggling to create their Hallo payment account, they may reach out to the Hallo team for personal assistance.
However, for teachers that are ineligible for creating a complete and accurate payment account based on their lack of eligibility to work, past criminal or fraudulent charges, or lack of legal access to PayPal in their country, Hallo will have the right to remove their teacher status.
If you are receiving a message that your PayPal account is not being accepted, check to make sure the information on your Hallo payment account matches the information listed in your PayPal account exactly. Your name, country of residence, and address all need to match.
If all of the information matches and you are still receiving an error message, you may need to verify your PayPal account or bank account in order for your PayPal account to be verified and eligible for use.
Teachers must create a payment account within a reasonable time after being onboarded as a teacher for their teacher status not to be revoked.
How do I cash out?
Once you have successfully created a payment account, you can click on “Cash Out” under settings to submit a payment request. On this page you will see the total amount of money in your Hallo wallet. Enter the amount of money you would like to withdraw.
Once you have submitted an appropriate amount (at least $100 and no more than the amount in your account), you should be able to click on the “Submit” button. The money you requested will be taken from your account and your payment request will be sent.
Payment requests are typically processed weekly on Friday mornings. Direct deposits to PayPal accounts will typically be delivered quickly (within a few hours time) whereas ACH payments or direct deposits into U.S. bank accounts for U.S. residents may take 1-3 business days.
Will I still be able to cash out if I lose my teacher status?
If at any point your teacher account changes back to a student’s account, you will still have your money in your Hallo wallet, but you will no longer be able to cash out.
Depending on the reason your teacher status was revoked, if you have at least $100 in your account, the Hallo team may be able to temporarily restore your teacher status long enough for you to submit a payment request.
If you finish teaching on Hallo when you have less than $100 in your account, because of the system we are using, we will be unable to help you cash out. There are not exceptions. At that point you may spend the money you have earned on any in-app purchases or you can let the money sit in your account if you think you will become a teacher again.
Please keep these policies in mind as you make decisions to take breaks from teaching on Hallo.
I’m trying to cash out but the “submit” button is gray. What should I do?
If you have successfully created a payment account and you have $100+ in your Hallo wallet, you should be able to cash out and the “submit” button should be clickable and not grayed out. If you aren’t sure your payment account was successfully created, you can reach out to our team to double check Tipalti’s database.
If that’s not the issue and you do have an account, try reducing the amount you want to cash out by $0.01 less than what is listed in your account. This will often fix the problem. We recommend trying this first before reaching out to the team.
Tip: When submitting a payment request only press the “submit” button once, and be patient while it loads.
How much is the transaction fee for domestic and international payments?
For all U.S. payments whether ACH (bank) or PayPal direct deposits, the transaction fee is $1 per transfer no matter the amount cashed out.
For international PayPal transactions, the fee is slightly higher and based on the total amount a teacher is requesting be paid. The transaction fee will be shown whenever you are ready to cash out so you will know the exact fee before you cash out.
*Transaction fees are subject to change.
What percentage do I get as a teacher?
Teachers have the flexibility of setting their own rates but Hallo does have a base rate for each class:
Live stream hop ons: $2 per student, up to 6 at a time (fixed rate)
Live class Base rate: $10 (adjustable)
1-on-1 class base rate: $7.25 (adjustable)
Teachers keep 70%– 80% of their earnings from live stream hop ons, student tips, live classes and 1-on-1 classes. (chart coming soon)
Where can I find my transaction history?
On mobile click your profile, select the blue cash button, click the Hallo cash card with your total pay and see your transaction history. You will also see your commission rate. You can filter your transaction history by received, spent and purchased.